Tips on an Essay on Mother Teresa as an Example of Love in Action

Mother Teresa is admired for her ability to respond to the needs of the undeserved populations. In fact, her acts of reaching out to everyone in Calcutta and other parts of the world are seen as a pure demonstration of the proverbial idea of loving a neighbor written in the bible. To write the best essay on her and her acts of love, the following tips are critical.

Use an attractive first line

You must introduce your essay in such a way that your readers will want to find out more about mother Theresa. You may, for instance, use some of the words that prominent leaders used to describe her. You can then explain how the words were reflected in her life. You may also include the statistics of the number of people that she helped in her lifetime. You can hence go ahead and link these numbers to her ability to love without conditions. A quote that she may have used on love can also be utilized in the first sentence.

Include your perspective in the thesis statement

What do you think about mother Theresa’ acts of love? What lessons do you think the rest of the world should learn from her life? Do you completely agree that her life and actions were a symbol of love? Well, these questions will assist you to write a thesis statement at the end of the introduction section. Regardless of the perspective that you take, your readers should get a sense of direction from reading the statement.

Be creative

The life and deeds of mother Theresa are well known by the world. Books, articles, journals have been written about her in the past. Hence, whereas it is easy to find information for your essay, your tutor is likely to look for something unique in your paper to award you good marks. Find a different way of approaching the subject so that your facts do not seem obvious. To achieve this, you must go through different literature materials and identify some of the gaps that the authors may have left.

View samples

If you are not sure of how essays should be written, go through various samples for ideas. The online platform has thousands of examples to learn from. You may also buy an already written sample to get the professional idea on how to approach your paper.

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